30 Best Buddha Tattoo Designs & Meanings

30 Best Buddha Tattoo Designs & Meanings

Are you into noticeable, spiritual, as well as unique tattoo designs? Are you a Buddhist yourself? Buddhism is all about expressing yourself, staying healthy, mentally strong, as well as happy! You will enjoy our list since we’ve prepared 30 different Buddha tattoo designs for you to explore. Also, we will talk about spirituality, different meanings,…

30+ Best Snake Tattoo Designs To Inspire You: The Art of Curls

30+ Best Snake Tattoo Designs To Inspire You: The Art of Curls

Snakes are reptiles and some of the most skilled and agile predators on Earth. While their deadly snake venom, the vicious way they kill their victim, and cruelty gave them a bad name, snakes are worshipped and celebrated in many cultures and throughout different civilizations. Aside from being merciless killers, snakes are also considered majestic,…

14 Best Dragon Tattoo Designs: Mesopotamian, East Asia Or Europe?

14 Best Dragon Tattoo Designs: Mesopotamian, East Asia Or Europe?

Somewhere, dragons are the signs of terror, chaos, fear, and death, but not in all cultures. In other places, dragon tattoos can manifest power, courage, and confidence, and a lot of people want them as their tattoo, sometimes even when they’re getting a tattoo for the first time. That’s why dragon tattoo is quite popular…

20+ Amazing Phoenix Tattoo Design Ideas (History, Meaning And Symbolize)

20+ Amazing Phoenix Tattoo Design Ideas (History, Meaning And Symbolize)

Phoenix is one of the most popular and diverse mythical creatures, which existed for millennia through different cultures and civilizations. It marks the journey through life and all struggles that come with it and symbolizes rebirth. That’s because phoenixes are birds that die in ashes and rise from it, fierce and brighter than ever. If…

26 Tattoo Designs That Show Strength (Religious, Lotus, Animal, Motivational Phrases and Circle)

26 Tattoo Designs That Show Strength (Religious, Lotus, Animal, Motivational Phrases and Circle)

Let’s get one thing out of the way first; plenty of people looking to get a tattoo that symbolizes strength don’t necessarily look for a design that will show their physical strength. These tattoos often depict one’s personal experience and emotional strength it took or still takes to get over the struggle and win the…